당신 사랑

당신은 나의 생활을 착색한다

당신은 나의 생활을 착색한다
사랑해요, 각 방법으로. 1314년

Monday, January 25, 2010

diidnt attend school

suddenly had a sudden craving for strawberry dipped chocolates

ii'm wiith my beloved sarah jiie right now..
love her so much
watching jennifers body

and waiting for mCdeliviery man to deliver our MCFluriiiee Oreo's 

miss hiim so much

Sunday, January 24, 2010

나는 그것을 승인하고 결코 싶지 않았다
i never wanted to admit it

나는 우리가 이것 같이 끝내고 있었다는 것을 결코 생각하지 않았다
i never thought we were ending like this

그러나 나는 말하는 것을 얻었다
but i gotta say

나는 아직도 당신을 사랑한다
i still love you



i do

나는 나가 오늘 무슨을 기억할 수 없다
i can't remember what i did today

나는 당신의 외침을 기다리고 있었다
i was waiting for your call

그리고 아무것도 하기 높은 쪽으로 끝나
and ended up doing nothing

나는 진짜로 나의 마음에서 당신을 놓친다
i really miss you and in my mind

나는 아직도 당신의 심상을 볼 수 있다
i can still see the images of you

사람들 미소를 모르는
those who doesn't know smiles

그리고 해 당신이 어떻게 인지 질문하는가?
and asks how are you doing?

낱말 " breakup" 아직도 생소하다
the word break up is still unfamiliar

이렇게 나는 그것에 관하여 아무것도를 말할 수 없었다
so i could not say anything about it

나는 분쇄에 대해 여전히 배우지 않았다
i still haven't learned about breaking up

그리고 무슨 슬픔이 의미하는 아직도 확실하지 않음
and still not sure what sadness means

비록 당신이 저를 당분간 남겨두더라도 아직도
still even if you leave me for now

나는 여전히 그것을 믿지 않을 것입니다
i still won't believe it

눈물은 나오지 않을 것입니다
Tears won't come out

비록 슬픈 노래 보다는 오히려 사기 같은 소리가 나더라도, 아직도
still, even if it sounds like a lie rather than a sad song

조금씩 아직도 나는 느낄 수 있다
still i can feel, little by little,

지금 나는, 처음인 나 짐작한다 울고 있다
now that i'm crying, i guess that's the begining

나는 이 실소 기억에 있는 그것, 당신 및 I를 다시 감고 싶다
i wanna rewind it, you and I in this laughing memory

저의 주위에 감싸는 외로움 및 나는 밤을 눈물에 잠겨 보낸다
the loneliness wrapping around me and i spend the night in tears

당신은 나의 마음에서 종일 오래 머무르고,
you have lingered in my mind all day and,

당신은 떠나고 나는 그것에 관하여 아무것도를 할 수 없었다
you've left and i can't do anything about it

지금 나는 당신을 붙잡고 싶다
now i want to catch you

그러나 지금 나는 당신이 아닌 경우에, 사랑할 수 없다
but now ii can't love , if it's not you

나는 나가 당신을 볼 때 놓친다, 당신은 후에 미소할 것입니다
i miss when i would look at you, and you would smile back

나가 알맞은 사람이 아니었다 는 사실은 나의 마음에, 아직도 오래 머무른다
the fact that i wasn't a decent person, still lingers on my mind

그리고 나는 그것을 후회하는 것을 계속한다
and i keep regretting that

그것이 이 다량을 아플 것이라는 점을 결코 알지 않아다
never knew it would hurt this much

결코 알지 말라
never know

먼저 의미한 무슨을 나가 알고 있던 경우에
if i knew what it meant earlier

시간을 다시 감으십시오
Rewind the time

이렇게 나는 할 수 있었다
so i could

당신을 제지하십시오
hold you back

그리고 당신을 간다 결코 시키지 말라
and never let you go

나가 세계의 끝에 서 있을 때
when i was standing at the end of the world

그리고 경로를 볼 수 없었다
and couldn't see the path

나는 누군가를 필요로 했다
i needed someone

나가 암흑에서 덫을 놓을 때
when i was trapped in the darkness

그리고 빛을 볼 수 없었다
and couldn't see the light

나는 원조를 기다리고 있었다
I was waiting for the helping hand

당신은 당신이 세계에서 유일한 것살다는 것을 모를 것입니다
you wouldn't know that you are the only one in the world

세계 보다는 더 나은 단지 1개
only one more better than the world

나는 당신과 저를 위한 꿈을 믿는다
i believe dreams for you and me

당신은 나의 통풍이 좋은 일에 있는 긴 기다려진 비이다
you are the long waited rain in my draughty day

당신은 나의 심혼을 적시고 저에게 용기를 주었다
you soaked my heart and gave me courage

비행거리가 당신에 의하여 저에게 하고 다시 미소한다
you make me fly and smile again

나에게 팔 및 주기 들어오십시오
come into my arms and giving

조용히 행복 다만 샤워 후에 무지개 같이
happiness silently just like a rainbow after a shower

나는 사랑을 만들고 싶다
i wanna make a love

당신과 가진 이야기
Story with You

나는 도망쳤다는 것을 당신이 알아낼 때
when you found out that i ran away

아마 당신은
perhaps you were dissapointed

나는 돌아오는 용기가 있었다
i had courage to come back

당신이 거기 있었기 때문에
because you were there

당신은 나의 심혼에서 항상 인 것살이었다
you're the one thats always in my heart

고독한 밤
lonely night

그것은 끝없는 통풍이 나쁜 어두운 밤 이다
it is and endless and stuffy dark night

그들은 나가 혼자 운 일이다
those are the days when i cried alone

사람들의 사기에 있는 어두운 밤 도중
during the dark nights in the lies of the people

단지 나의 얕은 심혼만 누구가 아플 것입니다지
who would only hurt my shallow heart

그리고 나의 심혼에는 초안이 있고 있었다
and my heart was having a draught

그러나 그것은 좋다,
but that is okay,

당신은 방법을 만든다
you make a way

항상 저를 인도할 사람은 이다
the person who will always be guiding me is

단지 살기의 이유
The reason of only living

나의 사막 안에 당신은 나의 오아시스이다
within my desert you are my oasis

단 초콜릿
The sweetest chocolate

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daniiel Phua [RIP]

you were our classmate
you were our friend
most of all
you were like our brother.
someone who cheered us up when we were down
someone who annoyed us too
- but hey thats wht friends are for.
its been a few months since the whole class and friends including me
hadn't seen you..
- we didn't even get a chance to have our last talk
- we didn't even knew it was coming; you neither
- we didn't had a chance to say goodbye

for some of us
we were old time friends
memories were too much

for some of us
we knew each other in a short period of time
like me
even so,
the memories were treasured..
the memories with you; with us
the memories never forgotten

as they passed and brought along the news
we were all gobsmacked,
we were all shocked; is this a joke?!

such a young age..
we weren't aware of your sickness getting that serious either
why didn;t you tell us?
good old daniel?..
not wanting to wory us..

you were a strong boy

you hadn't had enough of the world
the lively cheerful Stupid SILLY daniel phua?

we were all saddened by this news
- it brought tears to our eyes,
- knowing we lost someone special
- a close friend, a brother, a family.

we will always miss you
we will always love you
we will always think of you

we will keep you alive in our hearts.

On behalf of Your Friends and me myself,

we would like to say

Daniel Phua
may you Rest In Peace.

we will never forget you.
long live your memories in our hearts.

even as i am typing this now
tears rolls down my cheeks.

Daniel Goodbye
but not forever.

we miss you already.

if only a miracle happened,
please come back
its too soon for you..

we miss you


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

keong di di arkk :(!! Brandyy.. haiz mizz u..

Keong Diidii:我要mcfluriie等人请

Brandiie:where had the time go?
will you visit me in my dreams? i miss your face, i miss your voice
seriously, where had all the love gone to?!!!!...
when will you comiiing back down here?!!! or do u want me to accompany u up there?
how is it like up there? ii hope ur happy..
but the time for u came too soon.
ii will always wait for you, love you as my own sister. Love you My lil sissy..
now, i only have photo's of you to see you...













* ****************** *
::♥:: ::♥::

::::24/7 你是我的天堂::::

::::24/7 忘记过::::







但却没理会 .....









名字, 就像无法抹走在我心里活着


不过我再烦恼 ..



。 。 。 只 因 为 爱 你 。 。 。

Tuesday, January 19, 2010




不过我希望你在你新的生活里能开心 就算我做了什么事情,


天天都爱你 就算非常困难我也要慢慢放开你


Monday, January 18, 2010

아무도는 이해한다

will you take my hand?
let make our own frame.
lets make new memories
lets say we'll stay together
let's remain like this forever

today, teacher always came in late to class..
eng leong kept walking pass by
urging me to come out to have a chat

i walked on out
and he talked about my problems
i knew he tried to help
well he did, he talked with me
and that felt nice. nice to have someone to talk to
THANKS eng Leong ^^

you say you understand
im sure u do!
but the truth is.
u don't.- not tat much
because your not me
i entered hell
ever since the day i opened my eyes
i live , i work for my own roof.
i live i work for my own clothes and food
i live i work to satisfy the others .
but one problem is,
my life,
it hard to solve
even if u tried helping
i won't let you.
even if its my own problems
i wouldn't risk that chance to get you guys into trouble.
even if you Could solve it.
its not worth letting you guys take the risk

to me,
i won't wnt to trouble friends

to me,
friends are important

to me,
lives of others are Precious then mine.

to me,
they are the only things that makes me smile

the chatting ended.

as i walked on home...

from school

i passed by the park we used to sit at and talk and played.i smiled over this flashback it was the nicest memory i had.i went ahead and sat on the bench. took a puff*i promised i wont anymore , but i had to release the stress*..i looked up the sky placed my hand as if im reaching for something, it was then i realised i...

was whipsering your name. and i was smiling so hard..


silly me..

it was nearly dark
i sat in the circled tunnel and read all the people who have been here
the things they wrote
so touching , yet jealousy filled me..

all the memories flashed backed into my head.
it hurt, so much just like a big yellow school bus

but ever since 1.1.2010
i promised myself
i would no longer cry
even if there was pain and hurt or happiness.
as the memories hit me like a brick wall

i smiled and cried and touched my chest
it hurts alot, but i enjoyed the pain

tonight , everynight it is always time to gather.
i wanna quit, they won't let me.
all i have to do is stay.

im tired.
of waiiting

im tired.
of sneaking out

im tired.
of this life

im tired.
for not having freedom

im tired.
of school

im tired.
of the bruises

im tired.
of the tears

im tired.
of your neglected love

im tired

...........of being alive

regrets and unforgotten moments?..

my life only exists for you

my life only exists for the pain

my life only exists for no freedom

my life only exists to assist others

my life only exists so i am misunderstood by my peers..

my life only exists to the tears of regrets

my life only exists to the unforgotten mistakes

my life only exists to the fake smiles i shower with people

my life only exists to accompany friends and family

my life only exists to love only one

my life only exists to wait till the time its my turn to go

day day

i think............

what went wrong?
it was me :)

night night night
as i walked by the park on my way out to our gathering point
my heart hurt..

as long as your happy
i'll stay out of your way

when are you coming back?
so soon? u had to go?.....

'll be there till the stars don't shine

Till the heavens burst and The words don't rhyme

And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind

And I'll love you

- Always

i left you

you left me too

but the truth is..

you never really did

i still can't forget you.

I really need help.

where that feeling gone to?? where had u go?.
ii'm sorry. Forgiive me..
even if its too late. just let me say,
even if its too late. i want u to know.
i still love you

i really can't let go
so long, since you've been missing
its good to see you again, how you doing?
how about we? dont let this happen again.

15 miinutes later..

I heard someone whisper your name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I was alone. Then I realized that it was my heart telling me that " I MISS YOU "......

another 2 minutes later

i dont know where i stand with you i dont know what i mean to you all i know is everytime i look at you, think of you all i wanna do is be with you ...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

you even tried to rub it all over in my face?
do you know how much i loved you and still do?
you are fucking Breaking my heart over and over
apa lanjiao reason?


your just a fucking heartbreaker i loved for so long
i still do.
it's hard for me letting go
easy for you? its just take and spit it out for you right?

well that sucks
one day your life will only be filled with regrets

all these old posts
are just xiimo's wiishful thinking

now i have to let them all go
i have to.
spending my life and time like this is just a waste
i will now smile and look forward to tomorrow
at least try to

but i hope one day
he will read through my blog
with his heart, over and over
i hope this blog will haunt him.

and understand my feelings tat i have towards him
and i would like to wish him all the best to him, his lover and his new life

btw.thanks for the way
you are treating me now
its so cold :)
i love it.

i'll try to let go
i'll try to fly up high
i'll try to love you no more
- impossible

i'll try..
no matter what.
i'll try

당신과, 계속해서 또다시 사랑에 빠졌는가? 저주, 나는 그런 지독한 바보이었다 .알게 다만 당신이 하기 위하여, 당신 성교 짧은 아이.!나는 당신의 지독한 장난감이 아니다.나는 당신을…. 귀중하게 사랑한 심혼이 있었다 그러나 당신은 그것을 계속해서 또다시 끊었다....그리고 당신 그것 다시 하기. 나는 당신을 미워한다. 그러나 나는 아직도 u를 사랑한다

xiimo는 배고프다!!!

MCFluriie를 원한다 ♥

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

finding ways to escape reality
finding ways out of life
finding ways to get to serenity
finding ways to end my stupendity

i'm halfway blind
but i see you so clearly

i'm so weak
but i stay strong
- waiting for you

early in the morning
i look up the morning sky
the birds flew by.

thats the feel and taste of freedom
i placed my hand up high.. i let the sun beat down on my palm
the warmth, it feels so nice
yet temporary , when can i have it permanently?

have u ever noticed
when u cut yourself,
the pain it stays forever,
the scars it lasts forever.
the memories, it never ever dissapears and remains like a broken fragment?

but when u see happiness,
it feels warm
it feels nice
it feels like magic
it feels like u were the luckiest person in the world

but the feeling slowly dies,
but the feeling slowly fades away
but the feeling stays temporary
-it never stays so long

and the feeling from them slowly fades and they forget about you
they replace you with another Blooming flower
while they throw the whithering one away

have they not remember how much love it takes for a flower to bloom?
the hardwork put together
the time of companion to grew.

and the feeling turns to bad memories
and the bad memories turns to pain
and the pain turns to tears
and the tears turns to scars

its like a whole life cycle

while freedom
is something that doesnt come by everytime
only once in a lifetime
it come and go,

and that very time,
i didn't had a chance to grab that freedom
it was the only key to my cage .

now i only live the life from what the people plan for me
now i only live to satisfy their work and happiness.

while chatting over with my friends
i managed to smile with reason
i thought to myself
this feeling of companion and friendship
its been so long..
how long?
how long has it been when we sat over drinks and Roticanai?
and talk over our life?our feelings, our love life, our troubles our memories
that very moment. i managed to capture an image in my head
and save it up . in my disk heart.
then it came to the subject about HIM.

how long was i the one chasing ?
2years over..
the tears i cried over him
- i was a fool

the times i never had a mood
- i was an idiot

the times i kept all to myself
- he never understood.
- no one did.
- even him
- i never gotten over him.till today.
- i still love him. yes im stupid. i just cant stop
- i never showed it though, i just kept silent, and loved him from the shadows; i was always invisble
- no matter the rejection and hurt. i just kept going
- somehow, something kept me going on.

my friends my family
they misjudge me for who i am
who i look like
who i act like

they are wrong
they know nothing
how could they?
they are not me
i always did things for others
but never paid for return , never known i was the one , the doing of the deed
instead i get cold stares like i was the one to blame
i worked hard for their happiness , they never knew,
i went through so much, just to kept them smiling,
they disliked me for what they think i never did.

i never cried, i never hated them back
i just stayed who i was
i just stayed and i never changed
i just stayed and kept on smiling
but my smiled never reasons
i just stayed and kept on helping
- they need me. and i want to do it.

from this conclusion
xiimo will always love them
as in friends,

no matter what they think of
no matter what they do to me
no matter what they say about me
no matter how they think of me

i'll always be there for them
because i know what's the definition of

true love- it's the closest feeling to magic? yeah BULLSHIT. its a kind of feeling you will get temporarily, but then with the love and companion over time, it starts to grow deeper and stronger, with that hardwork, you know what you want, who u want to be with till the end, that lasts a lifetime. and at that very moment, u know u will always remember, never forget and ALWAYS never ever giving up no matter What it is And who it is For. Because in life. We were given a heart to use it in proper ways instead of misusing what we are capable of having and using

Friends- no matter who they are, you know what to do, when they are really true. u will always guard them through a lifetime. Bloodbinds

Family- they were the one that raised u from the start. they were the one that brought u into this life. all you have to do. is be with them through a lifetime all they way. and showering them with endless love and care, no matter what treatment we get.

at this moment as i type
they were also days, when i think i wanna end it
on the very spot. but when i think it through. why not let fate
decide my life. let it come and soon i will go :)



ii was dead tiired
ii was dead moody

but i had a great tiime
iit's been long since ii yum cha-d with wiilson and tze teng
we chatted and chatted
it reminded me of old times
when we were all one group, a bunch of happy friends
but now..
ahh iits complicated

anyways so over the table, we all shared our problems
we all shared our happy moments
we all shared our thoughts
i really enjoyed it alot.
being able to talk and express it over with them
it feels like they really care and litsen
Thanks for ur spare time :)

after having our lunch. tze teng went along with her frenz
so me and wilson had to wallk back to school together

it was nice having someone like him to talk to
its been long since we hanged out like that
just wanna say thanks wil will :D!
hope to spend more time like that.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

xiimo's conclusion came to an end

xiimo's conclusion came to an end

the conclusion is now clear that xiimo is:

trying to find ways to get out of life

everything in me is broken and corrupted

i'm nothing but a defected experiment

thanks for always being there for me
thanks for always lending me hand
thanks for always standing up for me for my rights and wrongs
thanks for always being my sister from birth till the end

thanks for the memories we shared
thanks for the conversations we laughed over
thanks for the arguements we cried over
thanks for the secrets we sweared over
thanks for giving me at least a nice piece of memory imprinted in me

but now that your no longer here,
but gone somewhere else

i'm all alone
everything's changed
i don't even know what to do anymore

i miss you


28th May 1994
10th January 2010

involved in a car accident
died of too much blood loss and brain tumor.

lots of love
from your one and only

kiim sung-hye

i miss you
we will meet somewhere on the border line
just wait for me
i'll promise i'll be there

Brandy. i really need you now. where and WHY did you have to go? of all ppl you. i won't believe that your never coming back!!!!!!!.. Shit... of all people you. of all people me. am i just a toy produced by a manufacturer, thrown away into a dumpster, and always avoided?... a forgotten old memory? a tastless candy?......

Monday, January 11, 2010

you thiink u guys can go around playiing jokes like that?. Ahhh iit Aint FUNNY!. i'll F-ing Screw u guys up. its not Funny to joke around when someone is/ isn't Dead!.

i have already LOST ENOUGH FRIENDS
i have already WENT THROUGH SO MUCH

i don't wanna lose anymore

so please don't joke around with me about these kind of things!
it isn't funny!. i don't wanna go through that experience anymore. it BURNS you for a lifetime.
to have to lose friends through a short matter, unexpected time.


저를 용서하고십시오, 사랑하십시오

저를 용서하고십시오, 사랑하십시오

지금 나는 지금 막, 나가인 당신 결코 가지고 있어서 좋은 1개의 것 깨달았다. 나는 나의 실수했다. 그리고 지금 나는 그(것)들을 돌려받기 위하여 그(것)들을 쫓고 있다. 나가 말하고 싶은 모두는 이 생활에서, 나 지금 막 깨달았다 이다, 나는 지속되는, 전체적인 일생을 통해서만 사람이 당신이고 1명의 사람을 사랑해서 좋다. 나는 돌아오는 기회가 있던 경우에, 나는 나의 과오를, 만회한다 나가 u를 아프고 당신을 묵살한 시간을 정정할 것입니다. 나가 하고 싶은 모두는 당신을 사랑하기 위한 것이고 당신이 저를 후에 사랑하게 했다. 나는 또한 나의 머리에서 심각하게 내보낸다 당신을, 계속 그것 아주 길다 기운다. 그것에게 미친 저를 몰기.

나는 다만 이 마지막 춤이 있어서 좋은가?
그리고 당신이 저에게 1개의 마지막 기회를 줄 것이라는 점을 저에게 말하십시오
that night
everything was said to be a gift sent down from heaven

that day
you told me to be yours
it was like finding something rare

the very moment
you took my hand and gave me my first kiss.
it brought tears to my eyes
knowing that you really loved me
knowing that i was loved
knowing to have this warmth
it was all like a image burned into my heart
when i look into your eyes
i see me.
- is that the person you love?

when u look inside my eyes,
do you see yourself staring back?.
- thats the person i wanna be for a lifetime,
- no matter what hardships i would have to go through
- i'll go through it all just to be with you
- so just give me a sign
- a sign that you care, a sign that you don't
- if not, i'll just be insanely screwing my brain over and over
- and it hurts alot. even now,

In that Time,
i knew that your name was permanently carved on my
Wooden Heart.
I chose to be with you
i still want to

the very day i found you, was the first time i fell deep in love. even though you left without a word. i always kept loving you till today. is it so hard to see through my feelings?. all i ever wanted was you to just stay by my side, never leave, and tell me the truth was that you loved me. but now.. your gone, im not ...sure i can have you back. i wanna speak up. but have u regained your heart?.

i want to tell you
Why i did that

i wanted to tell you
That i still want you

but, these thoughts still squander in my mind
what if you don't feel the same anymore?
then i would just be a fool desperate for you
- but the fact is i really love you
- i tried forgetting about u
- but your image just keeps projecting into my mind like flashbacks

what if you had someone else that could care for you
- i might as well stay aside and just watch

What if all this while,
it was just a joke to you?..

now i just realised, the one thing i can never have is you. i made my mistakes. and now im chasing them to get them back. all i want to say is in this life, i just realised, i can only love one person that lasts through a whole lifetime, and that person was you. if i had the chance to get back, i would correct my mistakes, make up for the times i hurt u and ignored you. all i want to do is love you and let you love me back.
i seriously cant get you out of my head , it has also been so long. its driving me insane.

Friday, January 8, 2010

tiick tock.

where are you?

tiick tock.

ii'm getting cold.
- please come soon

tiick tock.
ii'm stupid
- laughing to myself

tiick tock.
you'll never come back
- i'm a fool over you

tiick tock.
please don't leave
- you already did

tiick tock.
i criied day and night
- i wiiped my own tears.

tiick tock.
i thought of you
- are you doiing the same too?
- guess not

tiick tock.
ii'll never say goodbye.
iit's too long, too much, just to let iit all go liike that

tiick tock.
my friends say iim a piity
giive up on hiim
he is hopeless
he iis a jerk
he doesn't deserve your love
he never CARED
he moved on..
your stubborn.

- i don't need your piity
- i don't want to
- he iisn't, YOU don't know hiim
- enough!
- *silence* whatever
- but ii did
- ii won't move on
- yes ii am , yes ii am

tiick tock
i looked at my palm
the spaces between my fingers that were created for you to fill them up
now they will always be empty.
iit raiined heaviily today iin the morniing
iit pulled my mood down even more
wiithout reallising it,

tears flowed down my cheeks.

jovee slapped me many times :(

banged my head repeatedly

*get outta my head*

abandoned agaiin
iit was always you..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1.The great love i have for you
2.Is gone and i find my dislike for you
3.Grows everyday when i see you
4.I do not even like your face
5.The one thing i want to do
6.Is to is look at other boys.I never wanted to
7.Marry you. Our last conversation
8.was very boring and has not
9.made me look forward to seeing you again
10.you think only of yourself
11.if we were married i know that i would find
12.life very difficult and find no
13.pleasure living with you.I have a heart
14.To give. but its not something that
15.i want to give you. No one is more
16.foolish and selfish as you.You are not
17.able to care for me and help me
18.i sincerely want you to understand that
19.I speak the truth. You will Do me a favour
20. If you think this is the end.Do not
21.Try to answer this.Your letters are full of
22.things that do not interest me. you have no
23.True love for me. Good bye.Believe me
24.i do not care for you please don't think that
25. i am still your lover

read odd numbers :)

2 thiings i can't have

today iin my work friends vehicle
there were total of 6 of them in the car
we were conversing about what we wanted most
and we all had to give an honest opiniion

the question: 2 Thiing you want most but can't have

all their answers were normal
- BMW 7 series
- Be a super model

- Singer
- Famous designer

- Sports Racer
- My very own beautiful girls

- Malaysian Top gamer
- Top 1 Clubber

- Lots of Money
- Lamboughini

then iit came to me
ii didnt bother to answer i just kept still and quiet
but they all priicked it out from me

silently my answers flowed

My answer:

-They all shook their heads in pity and frowned

i answered back, i don't need your self pity , this is my decision to choose,not yours

2.Freedom, the one thing i can never have
-They all kept quiet knowing thats the truth and all tried to gave me a frenly smile
-Then whispers.

i answered back, i'm strong on the surface not all the way through. i have ears. need not whisper, i can hear everything.

The end of the conversation
then they all brought me to MCDonalds and bought me 2 McFlurries to brighten up my mood

Thanks guys.

ii'm screwed..

went to doctors last niight before meet up.
8pm - arrived at GH

went into the doctors room
had a mediical check up

waited for an hour
waited for the results
i felt so weak and down

i froze
i held the results
i smiled

What i was waiting for
a sign to end this story of my life

Results: patients following Riight eye is partiially blind
Results: Patients left lung weak transferring of blood fluids and oxygen not functioning at normal speed
Results: right Kidney infected
Results: very low blood pressure

Attention: please do not go for activities such as Sports ; not allowed to eat any high caloried food. including Sugar that may increase / decrease of bloodpressure instantly

ii hope one of these turns out more seriously
all i have to do is let it end me - Quiick



还记得吗 ?

iit's a new year
ii wanna restart
ii wanna know you agaiin
ii wanna hold hands wiith you agaiin
ii wanna smiile alongsiide with you
ii wanna jump like monkeys wiith you
ii wanna love you all over agaiin

just , but
wiith a fresh new start

but ii'm not sure
but ii'm not aware

have you regaiined back your heart.
have you found someone else special that kept you happy.

forget iit, just let me hurt myself iin the long run
whiile i watch you and love you behiind the shadows of the world
and Reminiscing in my own thoughts of regrets
of letting you go.

iif you let them go and they came back- they really love you
- that was me, i came back for you twice
- i let you got twice

iif you let them go and they just walked away- they never really cared
-you never cared...

why can't ii forget you
who carved your name into my shallow heart?
iis there a cure for this unattended Love.


вяaggεd †o †hε εή†iяε woяld
Wai†εd iή †hε pouяing яain

jus† foя чou

love iis paiin
love iis over

ii waiited for you last niight
ii waiited for you sitting on the swiing drowning in my own reminisces
ii waiited for what wasn't riight/fooliish
ii waiited for you iin the niight
ii waiited for you iin the pouriing raiin at 3am.
ii waiited for you tiill Brandiie Criied For me - ii'm sorry Giirl.
ii waiited for you tiill my heart/braiin's iin a twiist and miisery
ii waiited for you tiill i shiivered
ii waiited for you tiill i'm nearly dead siick
ii waiited under that cold diim light
ii waiited but ii knew u weren't comiing
ii waiited but ii knew iit wasn't gonna happen
ii waiited for you at school - you didn't even looked
ii waiited for you outsiide - you walked right passed me
ii waiited for a siign - you gave me none.
ii waiited for you to approach me
ii waiited for you to speak
ii waiited for the day u told me that you really loved me
ii waiited for you to show me that you care
ii waiited 2 years for you
ii waiited for nothiing , yet ii didn't care

ii wiill always waiit for you
ii wiill always love you

even iif i'm wiith another person
my love for you shall never fade

ii can't get you outta my head
your liike a drug ii want but can't have.
at the same tiime you were like the daiily dose of medicine
that needs to keep me stabilized

but you broke my heart
you never really seemed to care
you forgot so easiily

or was ii the only one to be blamed for my stupendity?
my body aches , top to bottom.
This Paiin it spreads just likes wildfire
The way my love spreads more for you..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


iim so friiging bored
someone please order me around?
jomlah jumpe kat kuchai lepak jalan jalan cari makan

add maths iis screwiing my braiin ><

Today ii managed to annoy Mr.Highpants [ENCIK rahim]
ham sap lou keep ask me so manny things.
Agitating me too much
so all the answers were short simple yet easy

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Mask of Paiin

my mask is pain.
For some reason or another ii just can't seem to find a positive outlook on life.
ii get angry when people try to relate with how ii feel,
because ii'm convinced they won't understand.
Deep down ii know there should be a million reasons for people to want to get to know me,
but instead ii often find myself closing off from them around me.
ii have my selected friends,
but They can't help ,iinstead ii want something more, that i can't find out what exactly that is
ii find opening up difficult,
but ii do find my ways to let things out.
ii have my good days,
but even through the good times,
ii feel like there is always going to be those feelings that don't sit right.

whatever, there's no diiference..


The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe.

If hate is such a strong word, then why do we toss around love like it's nothing?

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.

We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.and that person was you


ii was iin my room
thiinking over and over

scriibbled on a piece of a paper

and all these quotes ii gather

to share it all over

every biit of my shattered heart
every part of my Whole heart

warm / cold
broken / fixed

Liies a part where iit all comes back to reality to haunt me
over and over repeatedly

God gave us two ears to hear,
two eyes to see and two hands to hold.
But why did God give us only one heart?
Because he wants us to find the other one.

Back then I thought I was the unluckiest person in the world,
then I looked at you and smiled.
Why? Because no matter how unlucky I was,
it was worth it because of you.

They said love is like a toy.
When it's new, it's so loved and don't want to lend it to others,
doesn't want anybody touching it and don't want to let go of it.
Yes, it's being taken care of, but the down side is, it's being played so many times.

In every girls life there will always be those three guys..
.the one she loves,
the one she hates,
and the one she cant get enough of..
.and in the end...
they're all the same guys.

I love you not because I need you,
I need you because I love you

They say love hides in every corner,
then I must be walking in circles

Is the word "love" important?
I don't know but for me, you are more important.
Do you know why?
Because how can I say "I love you" if you're not here.

One time I asked you, "why do you love him so much?" you told me, "because we've been together for so long", I got annoyed because you're numb, you didn't even think that the time you were together, it took me longer to have waited for you.

No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a hundred reasons to leave you, I'll look for that one reason to fight for you.

ii hate beiing in thiis school

seeing that very particular persons makes my

heart ache

the one to blame, me

i caused myself to get hurt in the long run .

you were always there for me
when thiiings tends to go wrong

iit was that faiith you had in me
that kept our love STRONG


Monday, January 4, 2010

iits a new year

make a new better liife

make new memoriies

make new tragediies

make new niightmares

together lets make a new photo frame

together lets gather at our getaway

together lets make our own love story

together lets hold hands under the rain

together lets whisper our love quotes endlessly

together lets walk to the road that leads on forever

shall we ?

happiie new year
to all viiewers of xiimo's blog

iits to paiinful for me

to be iin the same school again

Same faces

Old memoriies

Shattered Hopes

iits the new year

more scars to be made.


ii am bleediing with these fresh new scars

you liike? :3

why don't you just go ahead

pour some salt in these freshly made wounds

and complete your satisfaction to the limit

Adults ?

They thiink what they do and say iis always right

They never let me Speak out for what i was right and wrong

They misjudge our feeling and actions

They always think that its never that complicated but simple

They Think that disbandiing us from a little bit of freedom will do me good

no computer; stress
- well? here i am typing on the net._.
- cyber

No handphone; What The F8CK?
- well? i'm busy texting my ♥ and Frenz
- i have plenty of them

Not allowed to go out , EVER; WHAT THE FIIIIIISHHHH!!!!?
- This i am screwed
- no socializing with friends
- no fresh air

No TV; iim ok with that ._.''

The only thing i was approved for was
beiing surrounded by books
i think when i die there will be no difference

because i'm already living in hell
Life , its like a home. Its dragging me down.

Nothiing's gonna stop me from having my part of freedom
ii need space
ii need my air
ii need somewhere dark and cold where i can roam

At niight, every 1am.
i sneak out of the house and take a 20 minutes walk wiith my lads and groups
Wiith a hoodie, short and sneakers on.
I take a deep breath and Chiilax

They weren't lowlife rats
They were people like me, someone who want to do what they may
They were people That loved the air of freedom
They were people That always guarded each others backs and respected each other
They were people that understoon someone like me.
They were people that had went through many bloodshed and pain together with me
They were people that stuck with me just like f.a.m.i.l.y
They were people that pretended to be someone else for their parents approval
They were people like me; trying to escape from that part of life

They were people i belong wiith.
- we enjoy the limited freedom that we grasp
- we enjoy the time we chiilax and talked
- we enjoy the dark vast sky that marks our freedom

ii remembered,
one niight it wasn't gatheriing night
ii had famiily/relationships/Friendship problems
i went out 1am i walked on and on..
iit was my biirthday
boohoo.. what a day
with my hoodie on.
my viision was blur
my hearing so weak
my breathing so heavy

yes; ii was finally sick
siick of all this commotion
siick of this heartbreak
siick of these lies
siick of my liife

i stumbled along the road weak and emotionless
ii was so blur
as ii turned i saw two briight lights
heaven? come to take me away?
no, iit stopped. it isn't my time yet?
when will my blood be shed?
when will my heart stop?
workiing this hard for liife?.
whille in return i get so many crap and shits

ii breathed in the air and breathed it out
i place my hand at the sky and grasped for it
i want it
it was 4am
i started walkiing along the park..
my viision was blur. .
i didn't know what happened
two fiigures walk past by me- electrifying pain whizzed through me
sinister laughters as they walked away

i scrambled up to my feet, managed my whole way to the park
and sat my self on the pavement. and stared up
my hands placed on my waist
i lifted them up to see red colour liquid

such a nice dark colour
yet salty metallic smell

ii started getting cold
my liips got purple.
i placed my fingers and traced my wound.
low lifed rats..
such freedom?. jealousy overcomes me
Yet another scar on my body
how many is it already?..

such warm liquid flowing out
shyt, staining my hoodie ..

i smiled to myself and stared up.
with the other hand
ii reached into my pocket for my cell phone
unlocked it, finding so many biirthday messages.
What do they know bout my liife?
Nothiing. . .

ii lied there till i passed out for an hour or so
once i recovered my self
i managed myself back home.
and just wrapped my body in bandages and slowly took its time to heal

Sunday, January 3, 2010

JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious.

FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. _________________________________

MARCH: Attractive personality.sexy. Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see. _________________________________

MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.

JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends .

SEPTEMBER: Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

October : Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

NOVEMBER: Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciates praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing
personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical

dark confessions

ii know you have nothiing much to say to me
iits ok, in this relatiionship lend me a hand?
Just let me do the talkiing, Let me love you
Love me back. Smiile and Tell me that you are happy

ii love you
ii miiss you

These words will never bore me, ii will neither get tiired of sayiing it
because i will only say it to you, For you

Giiive me your hand, together we will find a way to get through every obstacles and objects that gets in our Road.
Together we will walk on the road that leads us to Forever.
No matter what, nothiings gonna change my love for you
because i love you just the way you are.

The spaces between my fiingers were left for someone else to fill them up
and that was

the siight of you makes my heart Flutter
Heariing you sing puts my miind at ease
Knowiing that you love me makes me blush and feel warm.
- it's been so long ever since i felt that way

Knowiing that you will never leave me alone.
- ii just hope iits not a lie, ii trust you.. i won't too..

ii'm just liike a toy, a hand made outcast wiith only one glass heart
ii was broken so many tiimes
Played around then tossed around here and there
left in The Shadows Of a Clown

Pretending to smile,
Pretending to be what i wasn't
Pretending to feel like i belong
Pretending to be strong
Pretending to feel

ii was so briitle yet so frail inside.
i always kept everythiing to myself.

You always said what you thiink.
ii let you, speakiing out for myself would only break 2 hearts
so i miight as well just hurt myself in the long run

But wiith you, i withstand myself to the limit.
Your what keeping me alive wiith emotiions
Your what keeping me warm and Red

ii love you ,
iim not sure you are aware of that.
iif i had one wiish
I wiish that you could lend my eyes
So that you could see how special and important you are to me
and how i feel when i look at you.
So just do me one favour

Tell me your happy ?
Tell me your sad?
Tell me how you feel?
Just don't resent me. .

because this life i am living, its just like a cage.
iim strong on the surface not all the way through