what do you feel when you see this?
- Jealous
- agitated
- Hurt
- desperate ; yet not wanting it more
- i'll chase it till my heart beat stops, but i will remain a distance not wanting to have it.
- but wanting to chase it
-Beauty is a curse of the beholder
-Love is a burden yet a bittersweet fluiid
-need not want more stitches up in my heart
-its what everyone's having. the warmth that radiates eventually wears off;it's all a lie
-i want someone to hold my hand; i do not want me,myself and i/him to break mine/his
-i'll have it in my dreams
what have you given up on?
-The reason to cry; waste of tears
-The reason to get angry; waste of my energy and life time
-The reason to worry; they don't bother
-The reason to love; these feelings,all temporary,so why bother wasting your time...
What haven't you gave up on?
-The Reason to smile ; its the only thing i can fake on. the only thing that can make them stop questioning my thoughts and looks
What has gave up on you and everything ?
-My Heart; my life supplement battery to all my functions has been deactivated permanently