What can i say. How can i tell them. Should i?No.It would only be a heartbreaker to them all.I think its just best to let the chips fall as they may.Despite her critical condition and her soon to be fate thats making her weaker day by day, Eye vision blurring,Breathing difficulties and constant Faintings "are you ok",everytime this was asked, she smiles a smile that tells you everythings going to be alright, but behind that smile, everyone can tell that its a lie and she isn't at all well.Apart from that her family has difficulties, she gets daily beatings from her dad for protecting her mum and her little sister.in my life. there are only these few things that makes me smile and reject the pain i feel ; my friends,My sister and my bestFriend Ethani must stay strong. i must enjoy myself even if its for the next 3 months. i just couldn't let everyone worry. seeing their smiles just brightens up my day. She pulls up her sleeves and traces the scars and bruises with one slim finger.Mum and dad doesn't know about my sickness and critical condition. Yet i can't just let dad abuse mum like that. I love both of them, but why can't they just grow up. Her smile fading into a slight frown. She sat near her bedroom window, tracing her scars and bruises as she had nothing to do, flashback went in and out of her mind. Tears flowing down her cheeks. Then it started drizzling and later it poured heavily.How i wish i was always under the rain. Then i could smile and cry at the same time.Smiles and wipes away the flowing tears. Suddenly her head started pulsing and her vision blurred on and on. She winced in pain.She sat there, Her hands over her head in the corner of her room. inhaling and exhaling to slow down her pulse rate. Why me?
Destiny chose my fate?
"Leahh, im-ma home fo-rum schewl"She smiles brightly and ignores the pain and sweeps her little sister off her feet and hugged her.They both laughed. My little sister, One Of the reasons why i have the urge to keep living, For her.She has some trouble pronouncing but she's improving day by day. And she's only five years old.So dear to me yet she's getting harder and harder to grasp. I hugged her close by and smiled and said,"forever with you little Lean,Sissy won't go anywhere from your side".Lean pushed me away gently and gave me a look saying that You wont go Anywhere right?Leah shook her head and mouthed the words silently, N.E.V.E.Rthen She took her little sister to the park, sat and had an ice-cream cone. They both smiled. I would do anything to keep that smile on your face Lean. I'm sorry."hey Lean, sissy wants to give you something now put out your hand"Lean did as she was told and a silver heart shaped key on a silver necklace was placed in the palm of her small hands"Remember the birthday present i gave to you Last week?Open it using this key when i'm not around""wohkay sissy"Confused little Lean mumbles and fumbles with the pretty silver key.Leah took the necklace and tied it on Lean's neck, smiles and plants a kiss on Lean's forehead."thankiiew sissy, puh-retty".Lean smiles showing a row of shiny small teethKeep smiling my little girl.just keep smiling.The smile that gives someone their heartbeat backby the time they reached home. it was half past nine. She tucked Lean up in bed. and kissed her goodnight after saying their prayers.!♥!♥!♥!♥!♥!
1 1/2 months later
Leah sat at the park. Alongside with her Bestfriend,Ethan.
its been two months now, everything is the same, the beatings the screams the arguements the scars the bruises..my condition which was rapidly increasing in critical state.Breathes in and Sighs.My heart is taking more than it can take.i ignored all the pain, the side effects but my smile gotten bigger and bigger.Remember in everyone's life there is always a friend? well yeahs.In mine his name was Ethan.He was my bestfriend.My brother.My everything. He was always there for me. in times of need . wherever and whenever. He glanced over and pulled her face up that it was face to face."
whats wrong babe?" Ethan asked with a worried look.
nothing's up Ethan why'd you ask?" Leah smiled .
you know what up. Don't tell me nothing's up. Because behind every little lie. Lies the truth. Ain't i right?Whatever it is. Don't be afraid to tell me okay?You know i'll always be there for you even if its till the last minute"Ethan said with a faint smile.
Till the last minute.
sounds like a word that's so close by. that's going to happen so soon. Nahh..leah shook her head.
I shouldn't think of such silly thoughts.
thanks Ethan" Leah returned his answer with a grateful smile
She laid his head on his shoulder and both, they watched the blue sky together. The birds soaring freely.
Ethan and Lean. there were the only ones that has been managing my heart together in one piece. but sooner or later, with or without their strength, that very life pulse of my heart will stop soon.i looked at him. i always loved him. as my brother , as my bestfriend, even moreEthan stares back:she's everything to me, my sister my bestfriend, even more.together in the same thoughts they both said:but im afraid it'll just ruin our relationshipi want to be free like those birds.Leah raised her hands and pointed at the sky and the birds. Ethan knew what she meant. He took her hand and he mouthed T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R we will.This feeling. Its not a bird, not a plane, its my heart and its going and gone away. my only weakness is You. My only Reason You. You and her♥ changed my life even if it its not going to last that long. It's definitely worth living through it ....till the last minute♥Leah just had so much to tell. Her heart wanting to scream it out. Wanted to share her pain with someone. wanted someone to understand. Pass on her memories.. But not bearing to hurt others than to hurt her. she kept quiet.engulfing today and the day to come's pain.

Inside her HEARTS♥
silently screaming
help me
this distraction, this love she has for him and her is what helped her endures the pain from time to time. The reason she only smiles : )
♥"leeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"Lean screamed. Her heart pounding ,startled she got off her bed and rushed toward her sisters screams. When she reached she halted at her little sister's doorway and saw her face as white as a sheet while Lean stood there looking out the window crying, pointing."m-muh-muhhmy". It was 2 am in the morning and it was still dark.
Through the window, Leah saw her mum screaming,crying while on the other hand. her Dad. Back home drunk as usual thoughtlessly Beating her mum. Leah stammered and whispered,"
Leannie baby, do what sissy tells you to and go to you room. take Teddy here with you and lock the door close your ears and think happy stuffs ok?"Whispers Leah then she quickly reached in her pocket and took out her cell phone"
whatever happens Call Mattie ok?"she smiled plants a kiss on her forehead and ran out of the house towards the inseperable Mishaps that were fighting.
*heavy breathing
* i'm not sure whether i can stand this fight for tonight. My heart. i Pray please don't fail me.-its already been 2 months and 29 days . Leah pushed her dad back and hug her mum close by Taking in all the beatings. She didn't cry. She didn't smile. She just laid there stoned, "mummy get in the house now. Go" Leah smiled and ushured her mum in.
I turned and looked at my dad. i was thinking, my dad? the one that always led us a happy life; his smile,the smile that kept this family together where has it gone? where is my dad. What happened. Lost in thoughts. NO! he is now Thoughtless, inhuman doesn't have a heart . Today i lost you,daddy."WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? what happened daddy? wait. No, you were never my father ever since u lost your smile. " Growled leah. "my oh my, daddy's little girl. Have you forgotten me? Bruises and scars are my way of showing love to you all" sneers her dad. "Don't call me your little girl you are inhuman. i lost y- no, You lost us. Now get lost, your face doesn't only bring shame to our family, THIS family, we have suffered enough, MUM HAS, what about leannie? She's still small, why can't you and mum let her experience the Fun and happiness that i had when i was at this age? WHY ARE YOU SO THOUGHTLESS.my dad once made us feel special. now he only made us feel unworthy and useless.i fucking hate you DAD. "Leah Spat back.
Leah turned her back on him. Furios and burning with rage , Leah's dad fumbled along the grass looking for a certain object. Then he grabs a nearby bat , raised it.......
''SISSY NO!!''screamed lean with tears flowing continuosly down her cheeks. stained with dry ones. wet with fresh tears.
i turned around to see my dad raising the stick, turned back to the window where lean was crying and saying no, no , no i just smiled and shook my head, mouthed out Forever with you.N.E.V.E.R leaving you.
Leah's dad raised the bat and Heaved it down and started pummeling Leah up furious with the rage burning up in his heart. Furious with the words that started igniting his fire and hate. Leah fought back the pain. As the dad brought the bat back up, ready to strike one last time on leah , She closed her eyes.
i can't move, i'm numb all over. the pain's eating up my heart. it's failing me soon. im sorry lean just remember this, sissy will always be with you, don't forget the key, what i told you . remember to pass on my words to mattie . She smiled.
The Father brought down the bat
i'm ready. she held her breath. but she felt nothing
She opened her eyes to see Matt holding back the bat fending her. a minute later after his arrival. the police force came by. arresting Leah's Dad for child abuse.
i opened my eyes. i was smiling, but my face was wet. Why?i couldn't move. I gathered up the strength and whisphered out,"Thank you Matt".
"don't fail me now Leah. Why were you such an idiot?why did you keep me out of this? stay with me ok?"Tears flowing down his cheeks.
i was smiling. he was so cute. i love him so much. My vision started blurring
"i-lurve y-ou Mattie,take c-care of leanne for me.Love her like you loved me" i blurred the words out. "now don't you go saying that now, stay with me please, i need you, Lean needs you."
i passed out with a smile on my face.
the last words i heard was.
"my heart,i give to you"AT THE HOSPITALit was all a blur as i flickered my eyes. white lights, white people, people rushing , wires, tubes pulses doctors. no, i can't die yet. not now. not today, i panicked and my pulse rate increased rapidly."Doctor,Her pulse rates gone up, should we?"no, NO!. LEAN i mouthed Where's LEAN i tried to scream but oni a hoarse voice came out. i started crying. she's alone out there. no, Mattie's with her. Wait for me lil sister. sissy's not gonna leave you. With that Leah closed her eyes as the doctors injected the sleep serum into her veins.****
is sissy going to be alright?"lean asked mattie with her tear stained face."
she's going to be just all right you know your sister, she's strong, Strong alright and now," he said as he brushed Lean's Tears away,"
Leah wouldn't be too happy seeing you cry now won't she?" Leah Brushed herself up and sniffled"
Yeah" and forced a smile.
5hours later****
a doctor came out to tell them the news. Matt was worried and Heartbroken by Leah's Condition when he got there. he knew the news they were going to give won't be so pleasant. The doctor shook his head kept quiet telling matt that she won't stand longer than 15 minutes as she had suffered heart failures and other critical conditions which weren't able to be recovered and lead them both to the surgery room where she was removed and placed her on a bed. Matt heard all this at one go. His heart nearly skipping a beat. his fist tightened with a total heartbreaker , and furious with rage thinking why of all people the target had to be
entering the room****
as the doctor lead them in to the room. mattie and Lean came in hand in hand. The doctor with great grief sighed and closed the door behind them. Leaving those three to have their last conversation together. They both stood there looking at Leah. Nearly looking as half as dead. pale. weak and lifeless . But they still saw her smile and her hands, weak but gesturing them to come forward.
LEAHi saw them, they were shock as they took in the news. i know this was bad. i didn't want this. i smiled and we shared our last conversation togetherMatti saw her, she looked pale and lifeless, but yet so gracefully pretty she still forces a smile. why of all people she was the target. i don't want this.Leah told Lean that everything is going to be alright. That from today onwards leah will always be right next to her, to her heart, watching over her embracing her loving her everysingle day till the time comes when they can unite again. Leah brought her hand up brushing away lean's tears shook her head telling her not to cry, but to carry on smiling that pushes everyone's worries away and remember what Leah had told her . Lean nodded, hugging her teddy close by and forced a smile. Lean leaned in and planted the last kiss she will ever give to her sister on her cheeks, hugged her and whisphered in leah's ear,"
you promised,N.E.V.E.R" and they pinky promised the last time. They both smiled. Leah mouthed -
i love you-
As it was Matts turn to talk with Leah. He Hunged his head down. not wanting to look at leah. it hurt him so much. Leah held his hand and said sorry that she couldn't tell him. she couldn't bear seeing him or lean hurt. She didn't want them to see this coming. Leah told matt. To take care of lean for her. love Lean like he Loved her, telling Matt that she loved him and forever will be with him till the end. He held her hands. saying nothing. Laid his face near hers , warm tears streaming down his cheeks. Alongside, Leah cried too.
*beep* Beep* - -*Beep*Beep*- -*beep* Beep* - -*Beep*Beep*-*Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppp*She closed her eyes. and mouthed
i love you. as the last beep went off for the heart rate machine.
Matt's fist Tightened. He shook her saying don't leave her. He was upset. His Heart as heavy as an anchor. but he remembered Leah's words. He forced a smile and answered back.
Forever will i love you too.Leah
i closed my eyes. and count one heart.two people. three words. i love you♥
THE LAST CHAPTERMattits been three months now.
i still feel her with me. but its been so long since she's been gone. i miss her. he smiled. he reached into his denim jeans pocket and pulled out an envelope directed to
Matt from Leahas instructed by lean's letter.
he reached for the seal, halt.
its too painful to read. she's gone, yet i must read what her heart once written for me. He opened the envelope containing words written from sarah.
To Matt♥my friendmy bestfriendmy brothermy lover.by the time you received this letter,i will be gone somewhere far,but forever near your hearti am sorry that i didn't tell you about my condition beforeit was just because i didn't want you to get all worked up,worried and upset. you were always there for methrough thick and thin.you were always there lending me an ear.there was always a shoulder to cry onand most of alla hand to holdu filled my heart upyou and lean were the reason why i lived for another three monthsthe reason which kept my heart pumpingbut sooner or later.my heart will fail me.incase i don't tell you this on time.i just want to let you knowi fell in love with youthe moment we were friendsyou were my missing piecei love youmy love, my heart, i give to youForever with you.need not shed tears my love.smile for mei'm sorry.Please take care of Lean for me.and one more thing. i left something for you.Still remember that secret garden we would always hang around when our moods are down?look inside the one of the tree trunks. : )goodbye mattnot forever.♥Love,
a tear trickled down his cheeks. he smiled and laughed. "leah, silly girl, i miss you already.i will take care of Lean i can promise you that." He brushed his tears away and smiled.
i love you too.
He then remembered what Leah said. that she had something for him. He went to the secret garden.
He laughed.
I remember this place. so many memories, so much happy moments. Me and leah would always come by here and share our secrets, our moments its like our sanctuary. He went in and started scavenging through the tree trunks. In one of them, he caught hold of a small heavy metal box. he pulled it out. He sat down on the fresh green grass. tracing the patterns engraved on the box till he came to the engravement below the box with the letter M♥L.
he opened the silver box inside containing a necklace and some photos. He held it up and stared at it,finding it had a picture of him and leah together. he smiles. he put it on and looked again. wasn't this our childhood pictures. she still kept them.
hahaha i remembered this one when we smeared ice cream in each others faces, the other one where we sat down near the sea during summer and watched the sunset. it all seems like its flying by filling me back with happy memories.he turned the picture around. to see leah's handwritten words.
Smile with these happy memoriesnever forget them.The necklacein our world.there is our happy place.Smile for me my boyi love youMatt♥For youmy smile shall never fadefor you my laughter shall never dieFor youmy love will be endlessFor youmy heart i give.